Ro Khanna tweeted the following:
"We cant stand by while gun violence continues to devastate our communities. I was proud to cosponsor @RepCicilline's Assault Weapons Ban. Lets get it to @POTUSs desk to help save lives."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Ro Khanna:
"Thats why I was proud to co-author the CHIPS and Science Act, which President Biden credited tonight with bringing back thousands of good jobs. What we need now is a new economic patriotism with bold, large-scale policies to unite this country around a shared purpose."Read on Twitter
"Inspiring to see @POTUS talk about restoring American manufacturing and renewing production. Hes right. For decades, we have seen our jobs go overseas and our factory towns"Read on Twitter
"As I take on the role of co-chair of the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans this Congress, Im proud to have my mother join me to celebrate the progress for representation and this historic moment for Indian Americans."Read on Twitter