Piedmont City
Recent News About Piedmont City
Legal Landscape of cities located within Alameda County: 6,271 lawyers in good standing as of January
Cities located within Alameda County saw 6,271 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of January, according to the State Bar of California.
There were 6,308 lawyers in good standing in cities located within Alameda County as of December 2024
There were 6,308 lawyers in good standing in cities located within Alameda County as of December 2024, according to the State Bar of California.
Cities located within Alameda County have 6,344 lawyers in good standing as of November
Cities located within Alameda County saw 6,344 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of November, according to the State Bar of California.
Legal Landscape of cities located within Alameda County: 6,390 lawyers in good standing as of October
There were 6,390 lawyers in good standing in cities located within Alameda County as of October, according to the State Bar of California.
There were 6,391 lawyers in good standing in cities located within Alameda County as of September
There were 6,391 lawyers in good standing in cities located within Alameda County as of September, according to the State Bar of California.
Cities located within Alameda County have 6,394 lawyers in good standing as of August
Cities located within Alameda County saw 6,394 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of August, according to the State Bar of California.
Legal Landscape of cities located within Alameda County: 6,385 lawyers in good standing as of July
There were 6,385 lawyers in good standing in cities located within Alameda County as of July, according to the State Bar of California.
There were 6,554 lawyers in good standing in cities located within Alameda County as of June
There were 6,554 lawyers in good standing in cities located within Alameda County as of June, according to the State Bar of California.
Cities located within Alameda County have 6,557 lawyers in good standing as of May
Cities located within Alameda County saw 6,557 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of May, according to the State Bar of California.
How many lawyers were in good standing in cities located within Alameda County as of April?
Cities located within Alameda County saw 6,556 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of April, according to the State Bar of California.
5% of citizens unemployed in Alameda County in 2021
The unemployment rate in Alameda County hit 5% among residents aged 16 and 65 years old in 2021.
There were 6,547 lawyers in good standing in cities located within Alameda County as of March
Cities located within Alameda County saw 6,547 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of March, according to the State Bar of California.
Legal Landscape of cities located within Alameda County: 6,563 lawyers in good standing as of February
There were 6,563 lawyers in good standing in cities located within Alameda County as of February, according to the State Bar of California.
Census Bureau: 79.4% of people in Alameda County were old enough to vote in 2021
Of the 1,673,133 citizens living in Alameda County in 2021, 79.4% were old enough to vote, equating to 1,329,045 individuals, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained on Oct. 26.
Cities located within Alameda County have 6,585 lawyers in good standing as of January
There were 6,585 lawyers in good standing in cities located within Alameda County as of January, according to the State Bar of California.
Did farm subsidies in cities associated with Alameda County rise or fall in 2021?
Farms throughout cities in Alameda County received $109,597 less in subsidies in 2021 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to the year before.
How much did farmers in Alameda County receive in taxpayer-funded subsidies in 2021?
Farms in Alameda County received $5,760,506 in taxpayer-funded subsidies in 2021, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
6,601 lawyers in good standing in cities located within Alameda County as of Q4 2023
There were 36 fewer active legal licenses in cities in Alameda County in the fourth quarter of 2023 compared to the previous quarter, according to the State Bar of California.
There were 6,601 lawyers in good standing in cities located within Alameda County as of December 2023
There were 6,601 lawyers in good standing in cities located within Alameda County as of December 2023, according to the State Bar of California.
Median age of Alameda County residents is 38
Alameda County residents have a median age of 38-years-old as of 2021, according to US Census Data.